Friday, February 13, 2009

I Want to be the Rain

I want to be free. I feel like a raindrop kept captive in a cloud. All I want is to be released from my bondage and allowed to free-fall to the earth to water the ground and be used for something useful- something that actually holds meaning. Each sunny day lengthens my enslavement. Each cloudy and overcast day torments and tortures me with futile hopes of freedom. I long for a rainy day. I long for it not merely to rain, but to pour. I want to be the pitter-patter on someone's roof, the steady drip-dripping of their gutter. I desire to be a part of the power of a mighty rushing river, pushing boars full of precious cargo upstream, or helping fish migrate, or even begin the energy harnessed to turn a waterwheel. I want to be the answer to prayer that ends the drought and allows the crops to grow again. I want to be that drop of water on parched lips that quenches the longings of a thirsty soul. I want to be the dewdrops on the grass in the early morning. I want to wash the air clean and leave it smelling fresh and new again. I want to help that rose to grow that he will give to his beloved that will adorn her wrist at her senior prom, that he will wear in honor of his mother each May. I want to water the wildflowers that line the fields, creating a radiant magnificence with their simple beauty and grace. I want to whiten the cotton crop and paint with gold the wheat fields. I want to lift the surfer to the top of the wave and give him a glorious ride. I want to be the salty sea-spray that caresses faces walking on the shores. I want to carry a great ship from one harbor to the next. I want to be a habitat for amazing creatures. I want to be the lake families enjoy each summer; the pond the children grow up playing in. I want to be the bubbling brook and the silent creek. I want to fill the water troughs of countless livestock. I want to be added to the tastiest dishes. I want to sustain life. I want to give a new definition of fun to winter extreme sports. I want to redefine beauty on an untouched white mountain slope. I want to be the icicle garnishing overhangs. I want to be the drop tat keeps the family Christmas tree alive through the season. I want to be the cleansing flow for dirty hands, the soouthing stream for tired bodies. I want to be the parted Red Sea, the stopped River Jordan. I want to be part of the beauty and awesome power of the thunderstorm. I want to be a wave of the sea. I want to be a part of the experiment that discovers the cure for many diseases. I want to hydrate dehydrated bodies. I want to be in the rush of a waterfall- even Niagara Falls. I want to be free to fall. But most of all, I want to be the rain that falls while the sun shines...