Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Assignment for Bible Class on May 14, 2007

I was looking through some stuff today, and I find this old assignment from my Bible Class during my Junior year of high school. The assignment was to write if Jesus lived your life, how would your life be different. Here is my response, written on May 14, 2007:
"If Jesus lived my life, things would probably be different in a lot of way. I already have daily devotions, but Jesus would probably spend longer on them. He also would probably spend more prayer time in praise, worshiping Him and thanking Him for all that He has done rather than asking for lots of things. Secondly, I have had lots of health problems lately. I don't know for sure,but I think that just maybe Jesus wouldn't have migraines and such. Next, Jesus would be more respectful of his parents and always honor and obey them. His thoughts about things would be pure, holy, and pleasing before God. He would be a good example to those around Him, especially to those younger. Jesus would love people around Him who have hurt Him and forgive them. He would reach out to those left out and make sure that they are included. Jesus might also memorize more Scripture. I had been doing a really good job at that for a while, but I've slacked off lately. Jesus wouldbe a leader instead of a follower and be set apart. He also would not judge by appearances, but take time to get to know people for who they are. Jesus would most importantly invest in the souls and lives of those around Him, winning over hearts to the service of the Father and the conviction of the Holy Spirit."

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