Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Never Ceased to Be Amazed

After church one morning there was a Hispanic man sitting on the sidewalk outside, and seeing my pastor speaking to him, we pulled out of the parking lot thinking that everything was under control. When we arrived at home my mom, who had driven seperately with my brother Peter, told us how they had stopped and attempted with another man to communicate with this stranger. Knowing basically know Spanish except a few numbers, they managed to get across that he should return at 6 o'clock. We prayed then that he would indeed return.
When arrived at church, the pastor's wife came looking around for some one that knew Spanish. Knowing enough to communicate and understand for the most part while by no means being fluent, I volunteered to help out until they could locate Josh and Adriana, a couple at our church who are from Spain and Venezuela. I was able to tell him that they were looking for people who could talk to him much better than I could. His name, he said, was Quan, but he spoke an unusual dialect of Spanish so it could have been Juan. I was able to communicate with him well enough, but he spoke a dialect of Spanish that I am not very familiar with, so it was a bit of a struggle. He asked me if the building we were in was a church, which I affirmed. He told me that he lived in a neighborhood nearby with his family. I told him that although I am not very good at speaking Spanish, I understand just about anything. Then I told him that about going on two missions trips with the church to Guatemala. He seemed interested at this and then communicated that he was from Guatemala! Finally, Josh came along with Adriana's father who is a Venezuelan pastor that knows no English either. They sat down with the young man for about an hour and talked to him about how to recieve Christ to be his Lord and Savior and what exactly that means. I do not know all of the details, but I do know that the man accepted Christ into his heart!!! Praise the Lord!
One must stop and wonder what would cause a Hispanic man to sit outside of a church on a curb on an icy cold day like today for several long hours just to hear about Christ and how to recieve Him as his Savior. I know that God moved that day in that man's heart and life to draw him to Christ Baptist Church. I wish that Americans today would have such a passion to know Christ as this one Hispanic man showed that day. I wish that we would show the courage to step outside of our comfort zones for Christ as this man did by coming to an upper middle class English-speaking church. I praise the Lord for what has gone on today!

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