Wednesday, April 2, 2008


One of the surest signs of the arrival Spring is the yellow dust which covers cars, houses, driveways, roads and basically everything else outdoors. While some view this powdery film as a nuisance that makes vehicles dirty and people ill, some consider it to be the hope of new beginnings and the coming of warmer and better days. Now, the frosts, bleak horizons and freezing winds of winter are fading into more vibrant shades of color from the whole spectrum. The flowers begin to bloom without fear of an icy death. The trees begin to bud new leaves that will spread out their branches to make large canopies that create shade during the heat of the summer. Birds begin to awake the earth in the early morning hours with effervescent harmonies. In the evenings, the katydids and crickets chirp a soothing cadence to announce the coming of balmy spring days and soporific summer evenings. Honey bees and butterflies flit and flutter to and from flowers and plants. Clouds now float pleasing and lazy across the azure skies, now peaceful instead of menacing. Rays of golden sunlight stream down, warming the earth so that once again the barefooted children may run about its surface freely and even enjoy the refreshment of its various bodies of water. It is almost as if the sun, bursting with warmth and energy after a long repose during the icy and gray months of winter, sprinkled it's fine gold dust over the surface of the earth to announce his resurrection. It is almost as if this yellow powder is a gift and a promise to the earth and mankind of life and hope and beauty.

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