Monday, April 7, 2008


"Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored." ~Aldous Huxley
In the above statement, Huxley states a highly important principle which many choose to ignore. There are many examples of this unfortunate phenomenon in the world today.
For instance, although many choose to ignore or disbelieve that there is human trafficking, it is a fact that it takes place. Although numerous people consider such occurrences to be "a thing of the past," every day people are sold into slavery or are sexually exploited on a commercial level. Even though people discount this as impossible, it does not stop it from continuing on.
Another example of this may be seen in schools. Simply because a student failed to listen and take note of the fact that there was homework or a test to study for does not mean that it was never assigned. The teacher assigned the work whether the student chooses to ignore it and fail to complete it or not.
Similarly, many religions claim that they are truth and that there is not truth besides their own. However, it seems impossible to claim that one is right when in reality it is completely wrong and other than the truth, and another is totally right and true. The post-modernist view of truth is that "all is relative." While it may be wrong for one person to commit a certain act, for another, it is the right thing to do. However, truth is absolute rather than relative. While defining someone as "fat" or "thin" is relative in comparison with the weight of those to which the person is being compared, truth is an "across the board," set standard of thought and behavior which is universally accepted and considered to be either right or wrong without variance or middle ground.
Even if someone were to ignore truth, it would still remain. Supposing someone believed it to be okay to murder their spouse, despite their firm belief, their action would be considered as wrong and contrary to truth and the law. In conclusion, because truth or facts are ignored, they do not stop being, but rather remain the same throughout all opposition.

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