Thursday, May 15, 2008

Sanity or Insanity?

If one person believes in an idea or creed that is totally different from or opposite to that of the entire society, is that person insane?

Many civilizations have asked the question of what defines sanity and insanity. Each has come up with their own definitions, but who is to say which right and wrong? I believe that sanity and insanity vary based on the standards of culture for each civilization.
First of all, in Nazi Germany, under the rule of Hitler, Jews were labeled with six-point stars and sent to concentration camps simply because of their ethnicity. To befriend and hide a Jew in an attempt to save them from the Gestapo was an act of suicide. Were, therefore, individuals such as the ten Booms or the family who hid the family of Anne Frank, insane? According to the societal standards of the time, they were indeed. However, to the remainder of the world they were, and have lived to be, heroes.
Another example may be seen in the ancient cultures of the Mayans, Incas, and Aztecs, where infant and other blood sacrifices were rampant Supposing an individual attempted to change or thwart these practices because they considered them to be evil, they would be considered by their society to be insane. Despite the fact that in the outside world they would be considered completely sane, to these ancient cultures such customs were the "norm" and required to survive and please their gods.
Contrary to these former examples, there are times when the beliefs of a society are sane rather than ridiculously insane. For instance, if an individual believed that serial killing were righteous, Americans would correctly consider them insane. Or, should the president suddenly declare war on China without a cause, the American people would know him to be insane. However, even in American society today, the culture hold invalid and even atrociously wrong beliefs, and those who speak against them are harshly persecuted, even if it is merely in the form of being chastised for a lack of political correctness and tolerance. For example, abortion is considered to simply be a woman's right to choose when to carry a child to term rather than mass infanticide. Protestors have even at times been arrested and jailed. There is a growing movement in favor of "gay-rights" and "one man, one woman marriage" advocates are considered intolerant. In growing numbers, it is becoming "abnormal" or "weird" if young people have not had one or more partners before marrying, and divorce rates are increasing rapidly. While to some in the United States more conservative individuals in theses areas are "intolerant" (the politically correct way of saying that their beliefs are contrary to the majority of the society and/or they are not participating in condoned and accepted sins), they are indeed the one source of sanity in a society which is quickly becoming itself insane.
In conclusion, sanity and insanity must be determined by societal standards, but more importantly by God's standards. There are many more examples to make this point in the Revolutionary War, abolitionists in the Confederate South, biblical history, our own society, and much more. One must decide if one will choose sanity or insanity.

The Fairness of Education=Influence

Do you think it's fair or right that those who are educated (like the pigs in "Animal Farm"0 have more influence in decision making? Defend your answer.

In some ways, it does not seem fair that uneducated people have less influence in decision making processes, however this phenomenon is merely a fact of life. First of all, while one may be intelligent without education, education aids intelligence. The ability to read opens up innumerable windows of opportunity and gateways of learning. While one cannot always believe what one reads, the capability of reading allows one to gather information and be able to think for oneself. One the other hand, the inability to read and write makes it much more dificult to think for oneself, and much easier to follow what others say.
For example, in the Catholic Church, the Bible used to be read by monks or priests in Latin, as there were no other versions translated into other languages. the Catholic leaders were primarily the ones who were educated, and thus the only ones who could read or understand the Latin. As a result, legalism became widespread and people were at the mercy of their Catholic leaders.
Another instance where education was important occurred in the late 1700's with the American Revolution. As a result of their ability to read and write (i.e. education), our nation's founding fathers were able to think for themselves in such a way that they were able to identify Great Britain's injustices towards the American colonies, and demand retribution for the wrongs committed against them. This is seen throughout the Declaration of Independence, and later, following the war, in setting up a new country via the Articles of Confederation, the U.S. Constitution, the Federalist Papers, and other important documents.
In conclusion, although some may consider it to be unfair, educated peple have more influence in decision making than illiterate or uneducated persons.

Stand Up to Stand Out

Why is it important to stand up for ones beliefs against a majority? Have you ever stood against the crowd? Explain why or why not.

Often, a true leader may be characterized not by the number of their followers, but rather by their willingness to stand alone for what they believe to be true, despite popular opinion. As a result, it is highly important for all to stand up for what they believe, even if their stance is one against many, a minority against the majority.
In my lifetime, I have never had to be such as many famous people throughout history have been called to be, even at times risking their lives in order that others might know their beliefs and the value they placed in them. However, there have been a few smaller instances where i have been able to take a stance.
First of all, in seventh grade my class took a field trip. On that field trip one night some of my classmates decided to pull some pranks, sneak out of their hotel rooms, and ultimately participate in several activities for which they got in to trouble. I refused to participate, as it turned out, along with a small minority of others. Throughout middle school i was lift out of the "cliques" in my class. In high school, i have striven to not participate in the many cliques that are present, as well as to discourage their presence.
There have been instances where i was able to resist smoking and doing drugs despite the fact that some of my friends and acquaintances were participating in these habits.

In Loving Memory of Drew Howard

Written: September 29, 2006
It was just an ordinary day. The students slowly began to arrive and enter the familiar building according to the usually school-day routine. As they filtered in, something was different today. There was a sick feeling of uneasiness as the doors closed behind each one in turn, and the realization that something was dreadfully wrong overtook them. Some were carriers of the bad news, while others were much shocked when their ignorance was removed.
As each moved towards classes and lockers, a thick silence hung in the air. Those who dared to speak did so in hushed whispers only. Many eyes were read and puffy from a night of sorrow, while others held fresh tears at the new discovery. Everyone was numb. Every movement was slow and hindered.
This was not any ordinary day. Today was to have been the ninth birthday of our own beloved Drew Howard, and we were all in shock and dismay to learn that Drew was spending his special day in an entirely different place than each had hoped and prayed. See, Drew had died the evening before after a seven day battle against a fatal virus that ravaged his brain, causing innumerable and incontrollable seizures that led to the deterioration of his heart muscle. Drew was in the third grade at GRACE Christian School. He has a sister Emily, in seventh grade, and another, Catherine in eighth. His mother is a teacher there, as well. The student body was wholly distraught at this tragedy.
Upstairs, in the high school lounge, many sat together, silently staring into space with no worries of tardiness. Soon, a group of us began to pray. Before long, most of the high school students, and several teachers as well, gathered around to join us in our vigilance on behalf of the Howard family. Although the tardy bell ran, none moved to go to class. Teachers and upperclassmen began sharing Bible verses to comfort everyone in their grief. We continued to pray. Long period of silence for tears and meditation between each speech took place. One of the seniors had Mr. Sabucco, the Bible teacher, read from 1 Samuel the story of when David lost his child from Bathsheba. Another teacher suggested that we sing songs of worship, as David had fasted and prayed prior to the death of this child, but afterwards went into the House of God to worship. So, in our great grief and inward turmoil as to why such a tragedy could happen, we began to worship God. God’s presence was vey real, and I believe each was touched by Him today. He moved in a mighty way. This continued for about an hour, and then all middle and high school students and teachers were directed to go to HOPE, the church adjacent to the school whose facilities we frequently use, for an assembly. Mr. Payne, the principal, spoke first, explaining the events that had occurred and reading a letter the Howard’s had written the night before. Next, he called upon faculty members to share, and many spoke words of wisdom and read Scripture relevant to the current situation to those gathered there. Lastly, both students and faculty were given an opportunity to go forward and lift it all up in prayer.
Afterwards, everyone returned to their respective classes, although the vast majority did no schoolwork that day. People cried and continued to pray and talk through the grief. Before dismissal, an announcement was made that school was to be closed on Monday in order to allow for all faculty and students who desired to attend the eleven o’clock funeral service to have an opportunity to do so.
Everyone was deeply saddened at the fact that God has decided to answer our fervent prayers of the last week by allowing Drew’s soul to leave his earthly boyd and this trivial life and journey into heaven to begin his eternity with Jesus much earlier than expected. However, each rejoices in the knowledge that he is having the best birthday ever! Drew is the only one that most of us know to have not only angels, but God the Father and the glorious King Jesus seated on His throne at his ninth birthday party! Tears come to one’s eyes to think of Drew skipping down the streets of pure gold and shouting praises to our Lord!
Mr. Smitley, one of the teachers who spoke at the assembly, reminded us of God sending His One and Only Son, Jesus to die on the cross for the sins of the world. God knows exactly how each feels at the loss of any loved one. One should be comforted in the knowledge that our Heavenly Father grieves with us!
Many question how a good and loving and holy and just God who is omnipotent could let such a dreadful tragedy occur. This question is missing two key characteristics of God. First, God is omniscient- He knows everything! He knew that theses events would take place, and He planned them before any one of them took place. He ordains the length of man’s life, and before He even created Drew, He knew that he would die on Thursday, September 28, 2006. Secondly, God’s thoughts are not our thoughts, not His ways our ways. His paths are beyond searching out. No one knows the mind or will of God, and neither can we know or understand any part of it unless He reveals it to us. God’s will is certainly not understandable right now, but it is clear- it was His time to take Drew home. It is also clearly stated in His Word that God works all things together for good. Although it has not yet been revealed fully, God has already used Drew’s death to work in a mighty way in the hearts and lives of many. We may never know the ultimate purpose or good in this tragedy, but it is undoubtedly there, nonetheless.
Prior to Drew’s death, it was prayed that his illness would somehow be used to unite the GRACE Christian School student body. This prayer is already being answered. As previously noted, we came together as one to grieve and to comfort, to mourn and to reminisce, to cry and to pray, to sorrow and rejoice, to question and to worship, to love and to hope and encourage. Barriers were broken as each grieved in their respective ways while reaching out to others to comfort and to be comforted. Students took hold of the faith they had and put it to use in being leaders to others. Each willingly came before the cross of Christ, into the throne room of Almighty God, in the presence of the Living Lord and were not merely worshipping and praying because it is the “Christian thing to do” ore because each must in chapel. We bonded together in common grief under the cross of Christ as brothers and sisters. I pray that GRACE remains forever changed, and that this tragedy would be the spark that ignites our school on fire for God.
Romans 5:1-5 provides us with the promise of hope. It tells us that our sufferings will ultimately bring about that hope. It is a hope that does not disappoint us or let us down. This hope is given to us by God, and with it the Holy Spirit will fill our hearts with love. Our faith in Jesus Christ is the only source of peace one can have. We are also reminded in Philippians chapter 3 that our citizenship is not of this world, but rather it is in heaven. This world is not our home.
For many, Drew’s untimely expiration has been the cause of reflection concerning their relationships with others, especially family members. It is all too common to argue with or say unkind things to each other, and depart on that note. No one ever knows when those world could be their last words to that individual or their last words to you.
Ecclesiastes chapter 3 was an encouragement to all in realizing that it is okay to mourn the Howard’s’ loss. However, as the youth pastor at HOPE Community Church reminded us of chapter 12 verse 1, we all rejoice in the knowledge that even at so young an age, Drew found the meaning of life by knowing his Creator in his youth.
Isaiah 55:8-11 reminds us that God’s ways and thoughts are not ours and are higher than our own. What God wills and allows to happen will achieve the purpose He has for it. Proverbs 3:5-6 reinforces this by telling us to trust the LORD and not to rely on our own understanding, and He will guide us and “make our paths straights.”
We praise God that Drew is in a better place. Daniel 7:14b says “His dominion is an everlasting dominion that will not pass away, and His kingdom is one that will never be destroyed.” Drew is up there in that indestructible, everlasting dominion waiting for us to join him one day! Philippians 1:21 says, “For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.” Drew has received the ultimate gain! In John 14, Jesus give us the wonderful promise that He is preparing a place for us in heaven. Drew’s mansion was completed and we must trust in God that when our mansions are complete that He will call us to join Drew in our heavenly home as well. Romans 8:18-28 is a huge encouragement for us. In verse 18, it tells us that “our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.” Later in the passage it comforts us with the knowledge that even when we are so grieved that we do not know how to pray, that the Holy Spirit intercedes before God on our behalf “with groans that words cannot express,” and the LORD searches our hearts and knows what is on them. Lastly, Revelation 21:4 comforts us in the wonderful knowledge that, “He will wipe every tear from our eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.” One day, each one who has trusted their heart and life in Jesus Christ’s saving grace will join Drew Howard in this awesome place! One day, we will not have to experience death and tears and sorrow and pain, but we will instead praise God in heaven.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Here and Now

Here and Now

Main Idea: Live you life for Christ in the here and now- don’t wait till you’re older or better prepared or have “had some fun.”

I Timothy 4:12~ “Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity.”
• How many of you like the term “teenager”?
o I’ve always hated being called a teenager. I feel like it sets us apart, as though we are somehow a different sort of human being than others. But I think that this sort of thinking is so wrong when God clearly tells us in His Word for us to set an example for others and that He wants to use us no matter what age we are or how many life experience we have under our belts.
• How many of you went to Student Life Camp this past summer?
o If you didn’t go you should have been there! I’m sure that everyone that went with us will agree that is was one of the best things that we did all summer- definitely a highlight!
o The theme of Student Life for last summer was “here and now.”
Paul says in Philippians 1:21 that “For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.”
• I have read that verse many times and said “wow, Paul sure did have a great relationship with God” and then passed over that verse without giving it anymore thought.
• Ya’ll, this is not how it should be. This verse should be something that we are willing to say and truly mean it. It is so easy to slip into saying “I’ll wait till I’m older and then I’ll serve God” or “After I mess around for awhile and have some ‘fun’ then I’ll listen to God and obey Him” or “I’ll wait till I graduate from middle school/ high school/ college and then I’ll do His will.”
• When Paul says “to live is Christ and to die is gain” he wasn’t just making a cool statement, he really meant that there is nothing at all that can be compared with Christ and knowing Him. There is nothing in this world that can make you happier and more joyful- no material possessions, no good grades in school, no boyfriend or girlfriend, no parent or teacher or youth leader-NOTHING! Christ is the only One who can satisfy your desires.
In I Samuel 3 the Lord called the boy Samuel four times before he finally realized that it was the Lord who was calling him. However, his response to the Lord was always “Here I am.”
• When your parents call you downstairs when you’re in the middle of homework, how do you respond? How do you respond when they ask you to clean up your room?
• Notice the difference in your natural answer and Samuel’s. Samuel answered “Here I am” and jumped to the task even though he was in the middle of sleeping, while we grumble and complain and yell “Do I have to?” and “I’m coming, hold on!” when we are asked to do the most trivial tasks.
In Isaiah 6, a scene is described where Isaiah is given a vision of the Lord in His glory. Isaiah is immediately devastated when he realizes that he has been living in sin among many other sinful people. However, the Lord redeems him and purges him of his sin so that he can be used for the Lord’s purposes.
• Isaiah’s particular problem was with his lips (sinning with his mouth). Interestingly enough, God took Isaiah’s weakness and that was what He used to do His will. (Isaiah was a prophet and what do prophet’s do?-speak God’s word to people!)
• Don’t ever make excuses for why you can’t do something that God calls you to do. It doesn’t matter what is in your past, God can redeem it and change it for good. It doesn’t matter if you are not a good communicator or teacher or servant or cook or whatever- if God calls you to do something He will equip you!

Conclusion: God calls us to live in the “Here and Now.” That doesn’t mean when you’re ready, that means N-O-W now, right where you are! If it feels like He hasn’t called you to do anything specific or like you won’t know His calling on and will for your life until you’re older, don’t let that discourage you! Everyone has felt that way at some point and if they haven’t then they will, so don’t make that your excuse! You already know that God has commanded you to obey your parents and also to go to church, so that’s a start. But also, get involved in serving others whether it’s helping in the nursery, serving on the SALT team, helping in the ministry to widows and orphans at our church or anything else you can think of. If you get involved in the Lord’s work, He will reward and bless you richly and He will lead and guide you to where He wants you to be! So don’t wait- live for your Savior HERE AND NOW!!!

Why No Girls?

Why did William Golding choose to not include girls on the island in Lord of the Flies? What may have happened if he did?
William Golding chose not to include girls on the island in his novel Lord of the Flies for several reasons. First of all, men (and boys) are often thought of as being drawn to war, violence, bloodshed, etc. while also being considered the protectors of women and children. Throughout history, it has been men that have started wars rather than women. Women are generally thought of as non-violent, loving, nurturing mothers and spouses who care for others rather than harm them and maintain a semblance of order and civility even among testosterone-driven, prone-to-violence men. Therefore, in Lord of the Flies, had girls been present, the boys might have acted in a more civilized manner, taking on the role of protector and provider for the girls and the littluns on the island. The girls would have been to the care of the littluns, as well perhaps, as to cooking and creating more of a home environment. While in reality the biguns practically ignored the littluns, girls would have looked out for their needs. Furthermore, even if there was fright at the thought of a beast, the boys would have rallied forces in an attempt to protect the girls and the younger children from the assumed beast. In

many ways, the boys would have taken on the roles that they would have seen their fathers in at home, while the girls would emulate the roles that they observed their mothers in.
Secondly, for a long period in history, things that were acceptable for men to do were considered to be completely horrendous and unacceptable if a woman committed the same act. For example, for many years, women were required to ride horses sidesaddle rather than astride like men. Also, they were forced to wear clothing that covered their ankles, elbow, necks, etc. so as to be modest, while men had no clothing restrictions enforced upon them. This phenomenon is still true to some extent even today. While it may be considered societally acceptable for men to be somewhat promiscuous, and even to some extent expected, if a woman were to be the same way, they would be considered “loose” or “slutty.” Having considered this precedential occurrence, it would seem that the girls on the island would have refrained from such savagery as the boys displayed, and have abstained from hunting and any other form of killing, war paint, and tribal chants.
In conclusion, had girls been on the island, it would seem that perhaps Golding’s point could not have been as accurately depicted, as a greater semblance of civilization and peaceful coexistence would have occurred, rather than savagery and violence. In all likelihood, with the addition of the female gender, despite the age of the children on the island, the murder of several of the occupants, and the factions and mutinies that arose, would not have even surfaced.

An American Is...

An American Is…
When one says “American” there are numerous connotations that go along with the word, but often a true American is something else, indeed. At the mention of “American” several things enter ones mind. Among these are MTV, biased media, Hollywood, the 4th of July, red, white and blue, fireworks, freedom, sports and celebrities. These are just a few of the connotations that accompany the term. In some places it may include drastic or radical measures such as infidels, terrorism, hi-jacked planes, immigration, illegal substances and more. Despite all of these ideas, the above descriptions are not what makes an American.
First of all, an American is someone who has the ability and freedom to think through issues, and upon forming an opinion, being able to publish it. There is not state religion, allowing for anyone to practice whatever beliefs they hold as long as they do not harm anyone. One has the right to vote based on a an opinion of a candidate formulated by moral, social, political, and ethical standards which they hold. Without restrictions on the press, people are enabled with a valuable tool with which they can influence others towards their opinion. One also has the ability to express oneself and one’s opinions through seemingly insignificant things as clothing, food, automobiles, bumper stickers, and protests.
Secondly, Americans have a sense of pride. This pride was instigated as far back as the fifteenth century when the first settlements were established. Not only were they part of the colonization of the “New World,” but they also overthrew England-the strongest naval and military power at the time- in order to establish the freedom and independence that was so long the hope of many. The strength of the United States Military Forces has also become a source of pride, as it has come through numerous wars and conflicts primarily undefeated. Despite attacks on this pride, including hi-jackings and 9/11, this sense of pride is only strengthened and renewed as troubles are dealt with.
Thirdly, Americans are the most diverse nationality in the world. American culture today I made up of bits and pieces of all other countries of the world meshed together and reformed. One of America’s stereo-typical foods, pizza, is of Italian origin. Every street has varying types of restaurants lining it: from Japanese, to Italian, to Hispanic, and so on. Whereas Germany is known for its blue-eyed, blonde, Aryans, Americans come in all varieties of sizes, shapes, colors, etc. Although Americans do not often know where their origins are, that is one element of their being a true American- multiple nationalities or countries of origin blended together.
All of these things only begin to define an American. Being an American is in many ways as much of a way of thinking as bloodlines.