Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Here and Now

Here and Now

Main Idea: Live you life for Christ in the here and now- don’t wait till you’re older or better prepared or have “had some fun.”

I Timothy 4:12~ “Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity.”
• How many of you like the term “teenager”?
o I’ve always hated being called a teenager. I feel like it sets us apart, as though we are somehow a different sort of human being than others. But I think that this sort of thinking is so wrong when God clearly tells us in His Word for us to set an example for others and that He wants to use us no matter what age we are or how many life experience we have under our belts.
• How many of you went to Student Life Camp this past summer?
o If you didn’t go you should have been there! I’m sure that everyone that went with us will agree that is was one of the best things that we did all summer- definitely a highlight!
o The theme of Student Life for last summer was “here and now.”
Paul says in Philippians 1:21 that “For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.”
• I have read that verse many times and said “wow, Paul sure did have a great relationship with God” and then passed over that verse without giving it anymore thought.
• Ya’ll, this is not how it should be. This verse should be something that we are willing to say and truly mean it. It is so easy to slip into saying “I’ll wait till I’m older and then I’ll serve God” or “After I mess around for awhile and have some ‘fun’ then I’ll listen to God and obey Him” or “I’ll wait till I graduate from middle school/ high school/ college and then I’ll do His will.”
• When Paul says “to live is Christ and to die is gain” he wasn’t just making a cool statement, he really meant that there is nothing at all that can be compared with Christ and knowing Him. There is nothing in this world that can make you happier and more joyful- no material possessions, no good grades in school, no boyfriend or girlfriend, no parent or teacher or youth leader-NOTHING! Christ is the only One who can satisfy your desires.
In I Samuel 3 the Lord called the boy Samuel four times before he finally realized that it was the Lord who was calling him. However, his response to the Lord was always “Here I am.”
• When your parents call you downstairs when you’re in the middle of homework, how do you respond? How do you respond when they ask you to clean up your room?
• Notice the difference in your natural answer and Samuel’s. Samuel answered “Here I am” and jumped to the task even though he was in the middle of sleeping, while we grumble and complain and yell “Do I have to?” and “I’m coming, hold on!” when we are asked to do the most trivial tasks.
In Isaiah 6, a scene is described where Isaiah is given a vision of the Lord in His glory. Isaiah is immediately devastated when he realizes that he has been living in sin among many other sinful people. However, the Lord redeems him and purges him of his sin so that he can be used for the Lord’s purposes.
• Isaiah’s particular problem was with his lips (sinning with his mouth). Interestingly enough, God took Isaiah’s weakness and that was what He used to do His will. (Isaiah was a prophet and what do prophet’s do?-speak God’s word to people!)
• Don’t ever make excuses for why you can’t do something that God calls you to do. It doesn’t matter what is in your past, God can redeem it and change it for good. It doesn’t matter if you are not a good communicator or teacher or servant or cook or whatever- if God calls you to do something He will equip you!

Conclusion: God calls us to live in the “Here and Now.” That doesn’t mean when you’re ready, that means N-O-W now, right where you are! If it feels like He hasn’t called you to do anything specific or like you won’t know His calling on and will for your life until you’re older, don’t let that discourage you! Everyone has felt that way at some point and if they haven’t then they will, so don’t make that your excuse! You already know that God has commanded you to obey your parents and also to go to church, so that’s a start. But also, get involved in serving others whether it’s helping in the nursery, serving on the SALT team, helping in the ministry to widows and orphans at our church or anything else you can think of. If you get involved in the Lord’s work, He will reward and bless you richly and He will lead and guide you to where He wants you to be! So don’t wait- live for your Savior HERE AND NOW!!!

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