Thursday, May 15, 2008

In Loving Memory of Drew Howard

Written: September 29, 2006
It was just an ordinary day. The students slowly began to arrive and enter the familiar building according to the usually school-day routine. As they filtered in, something was different today. There was a sick feeling of uneasiness as the doors closed behind each one in turn, and the realization that something was dreadfully wrong overtook them. Some were carriers of the bad news, while others were much shocked when their ignorance was removed.
As each moved towards classes and lockers, a thick silence hung in the air. Those who dared to speak did so in hushed whispers only. Many eyes were read and puffy from a night of sorrow, while others held fresh tears at the new discovery. Everyone was numb. Every movement was slow and hindered.
This was not any ordinary day. Today was to have been the ninth birthday of our own beloved Drew Howard, and we were all in shock and dismay to learn that Drew was spending his special day in an entirely different place than each had hoped and prayed. See, Drew had died the evening before after a seven day battle against a fatal virus that ravaged his brain, causing innumerable and incontrollable seizures that led to the deterioration of his heart muscle. Drew was in the third grade at GRACE Christian School. He has a sister Emily, in seventh grade, and another, Catherine in eighth. His mother is a teacher there, as well. The student body was wholly distraught at this tragedy.
Upstairs, in the high school lounge, many sat together, silently staring into space with no worries of tardiness. Soon, a group of us began to pray. Before long, most of the high school students, and several teachers as well, gathered around to join us in our vigilance on behalf of the Howard family. Although the tardy bell ran, none moved to go to class. Teachers and upperclassmen began sharing Bible verses to comfort everyone in their grief. We continued to pray. Long period of silence for tears and meditation between each speech took place. One of the seniors had Mr. Sabucco, the Bible teacher, read from 1 Samuel the story of when David lost his child from Bathsheba. Another teacher suggested that we sing songs of worship, as David had fasted and prayed prior to the death of this child, but afterwards went into the House of God to worship. So, in our great grief and inward turmoil as to why such a tragedy could happen, we began to worship God. God’s presence was vey real, and I believe each was touched by Him today. He moved in a mighty way. This continued for about an hour, and then all middle and high school students and teachers were directed to go to HOPE, the church adjacent to the school whose facilities we frequently use, for an assembly. Mr. Payne, the principal, spoke first, explaining the events that had occurred and reading a letter the Howard’s had written the night before. Next, he called upon faculty members to share, and many spoke words of wisdom and read Scripture relevant to the current situation to those gathered there. Lastly, both students and faculty were given an opportunity to go forward and lift it all up in prayer.
Afterwards, everyone returned to their respective classes, although the vast majority did no schoolwork that day. People cried and continued to pray and talk through the grief. Before dismissal, an announcement was made that school was to be closed on Monday in order to allow for all faculty and students who desired to attend the eleven o’clock funeral service to have an opportunity to do so.
Everyone was deeply saddened at the fact that God has decided to answer our fervent prayers of the last week by allowing Drew’s soul to leave his earthly boyd and this trivial life and journey into heaven to begin his eternity with Jesus much earlier than expected. However, each rejoices in the knowledge that he is having the best birthday ever! Drew is the only one that most of us know to have not only angels, but God the Father and the glorious King Jesus seated on His throne at his ninth birthday party! Tears come to one’s eyes to think of Drew skipping down the streets of pure gold and shouting praises to our Lord!
Mr. Smitley, one of the teachers who spoke at the assembly, reminded us of God sending His One and Only Son, Jesus to die on the cross for the sins of the world. God knows exactly how each feels at the loss of any loved one. One should be comforted in the knowledge that our Heavenly Father grieves with us!
Many question how a good and loving and holy and just God who is omnipotent could let such a dreadful tragedy occur. This question is missing two key characteristics of God. First, God is omniscient- He knows everything! He knew that theses events would take place, and He planned them before any one of them took place. He ordains the length of man’s life, and before He even created Drew, He knew that he would die on Thursday, September 28, 2006. Secondly, God’s thoughts are not our thoughts, not His ways our ways. His paths are beyond searching out. No one knows the mind or will of God, and neither can we know or understand any part of it unless He reveals it to us. God’s will is certainly not understandable right now, but it is clear- it was His time to take Drew home. It is also clearly stated in His Word that God works all things together for good. Although it has not yet been revealed fully, God has already used Drew’s death to work in a mighty way in the hearts and lives of many. We may never know the ultimate purpose or good in this tragedy, but it is undoubtedly there, nonetheless.
Prior to Drew’s death, it was prayed that his illness would somehow be used to unite the GRACE Christian School student body. This prayer is already being answered. As previously noted, we came together as one to grieve and to comfort, to mourn and to reminisce, to cry and to pray, to sorrow and rejoice, to question and to worship, to love and to hope and encourage. Barriers were broken as each grieved in their respective ways while reaching out to others to comfort and to be comforted. Students took hold of the faith they had and put it to use in being leaders to others. Each willingly came before the cross of Christ, into the throne room of Almighty God, in the presence of the Living Lord and were not merely worshipping and praying because it is the “Christian thing to do” ore because each must in chapel. We bonded together in common grief under the cross of Christ as brothers and sisters. I pray that GRACE remains forever changed, and that this tragedy would be the spark that ignites our school on fire for God.
Romans 5:1-5 provides us with the promise of hope. It tells us that our sufferings will ultimately bring about that hope. It is a hope that does not disappoint us or let us down. This hope is given to us by God, and with it the Holy Spirit will fill our hearts with love. Our faith in Jesus Christ is the only source of peace one can have. We are also reminded in Philippians chapter 3 that our citizenship is not of this world, but rather it is in heaven. This world is not our home.
For many, Drew’s untimely expiration has been the cause of reflection concerning their relationships with others, especially family members. It is all too common to argue with or say unkind things to each other, and depart on that note. No one ever knows when those world could be their last words to that individual or their last words to you.
Ecclesiastes chapter 3 was an encouragement to all in realizing that it is okay to mourn the Howard’s’ loss. However, as the youth pastor at HOPE Community Church reminded us of chapter 12 verse 1, we all rejoice in the knowledge that even at so young an age, Drew found the meaning of life by knowing his Creator in his youth.
Isaiah 55:8-11 reminds us that God’s ways and thoughts are not ours and are higher than our own. What God wills and allows to happen will achieve the purpose He has for it. Proverbs 3:5-6 reinforces this by telling us to trust the LORD and not to rely on our own understanding, and He will guide us and “make our paths straights.”
We praise God that Drew is in a better place. Daniel 7:14b says “His dominion is an everlasting dominion that will not pass away, and His kingdom is one that will never be destroyed.” Drew is up there in that indestructible, everlasting dominion waiting for us to join him one day! Philippians 1:21 says, “For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.” Drew has received the ultimate gain! In John 14, Jesus give us the wonderful promise that He is preparing a place for us in heaven. Drew’s mansion was completed and we must trust in God that when our mansions are complete that He will call us to join Drew in our heavenly home as well. Romans 8:18-28 is a huge encouragement for us. In verse 18, it tells us that “our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.” Later in the passage it comforts us with the knowledge that even when we are so grieved that we do not know how to pray, that the Holy Spirit intercedes before God on our behalf “with groans that words cannot express,” and the LORD searches our hearts and knows what is on them. Lastly, Revelation 21:4 comforts us in the wonderful knowledge that, “He will wipe every tear from our eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.” One day, each one who has trusted their heart and life in Jesus Christ’s saving grace will join Drew Howard in this awesome place! One day, we will not have to experience death and tears and sorrow and pain, but we will instead praise God in heaven.

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