Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Who Will Answer Opportunity's Knock

It is funny how one cannot wait to get away from something to the point where that's all one thinks about, talks about, dreams about, and lives for; and then, finally, when the time rolls around for it to pass by and move on, one feels a sense of nostalgic loyalty that causes one to reconsider one's desire to be rid of it altogether. One wants to wonder if it should go just now, or if one should connive some way for it to remain a bit longer. There are so many components to weigh and options to consider.
Although one has lived at time in agony over this thing, and even held a fervent urge to dismiss it from one's life instantly and altogether, yet it is a comfort of sorts that might be a better option than the very idea of change. Who is to say which is better- change to the unknown and unforseen, or persevere in a possibly unpleasant normality and familiarity? Are the risks too high and the potential costs too great?
Then there is the sound ringing in one's ears that is the sounds of opportunity knocking. There it stares one in the face- the option to move on to a possibly better quality of life or to pass it by and maintain the safety of familiarity. New life with risks and adventures of unknown outcomes, or predictable patters of living? Which will it be? As the reverberating sounds of opportunity's knock fill one's head, one sifts throught the pros and cos and does one's best to weight out the best decision. But in the end, a choice must be made one way or the other. Sure, there will be certain risks and unknown variables, but they go both ways- they are simply part of living life.
Ultimately, those who decide decide to answer opportunity's vivacious knocks and step out on that limb are the brave and adventurous few who are ready to take life by the horns and ride it for all it is worth. Fear may come, but fleetingly. Fatigue may overtake, but momentarily. Shadows of the past may creep up, but they will not overtake. Perseverance and hope will breed accomplishment and passion. Opportunity will be answered; and when the time for change comes, the nostalgic loyalty will quickly pass in exchange for a vivid love of life and all the new it brings ones way. Only the courageous will truly live.

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