Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Divorce Dialogue

“Are you drinking again?”

“Wouldn’t you if you were in my shoes?”

“I’m not criticizing you. I’m just worried is all.”

“Well, don’t be. I’m a big girl.”

“That’s just it. I’m afraid you’re going to do something that you will live to regret.”

“Honey, life’s full of regrets. You should know that by now.”

“I know. I wish it weren’t that way.”

“Yea, me too. But I know this is right. He’s got to go.”

“Maybe so, but I think he’s walking all over you.”

“I want to be nice. This wasn’t supposed to be one of those hostile divorces like you see on Divorce Court on tv.”

“I know, but this is divorce. You have to stand up for yourself. All’s fair in love in war, and this definitely falls under the category of war.”

“I don’t know. I feel like I’ve already gotten so much from him. I’ve gotten Lizzy, after all. He didn’t even fight me over that one. All he wanted for custody rights was two weekends a month, plus he agreed to pay for her college tuition when the time comes. How could I ask for more than that?”

“Sweetheart, he’s just working the system. It’ll make him look better to the courts if he agrees to pay for Lizzy’s college. That way it’ll seem like he actually cares about her.”

“Well, she is his daughter—his only child.”

“That means nothing to him; you know that. How many times have you complained to be about Mike’s absence as a father? How often did you call me in tears because he disrespected you and overturned your decision right in front of Lizzy, teaching her to dishonor you as well? Think about it, Suzanne!”

“I know, Julie! Okay? I know! You don’t have to remind me.”

“I think I do. You’re about to let him walk away with the house, and you certainly aren’t getting sufficient alimony from him. Have you thought about the fact that you might have to get back out in the job market again, honey?”

“I’m just so sick of fighting him. I loved Mike so much! You know that… we were always that couple. Who would’ve ever thought we’d come to this?”

“I know, sweetie, I know. But that doesn’t change reality.”

“I just wish that we could work this out. Maybe I should give him another chance…”

“Suzanne, we’ve been through this before. I never thought I’d be the one saying you should quit on this marriage, but put it on the record—I think you need out of this. There’s no hope left. You’ve tried everything, but you can’t control him. It’s his decision to cheat, to lie. You gave him the second chance—you even went through the emotions of renewing your vows with this guy. You’ve done your part, so now you have to let him go…just don’t let him drag you down with him.”

“Yea, you’re right. But can’t a girl dream?”

“Look honey, if you dream about this, you’re going to end up run over. Mike doesn’t love you anymore, and so he’s not looking out for your best interests. He’s looking out for himself. He’ll drag you through the mud if you don’t wake up to that.”

“I know, Julie. I’ve tried to give him up, to get over him, but I can’t. I still can’t believe all that he’s done to me. Part of me hates him, but part of me still loves him, and I can’t resolve those feelings.”

“It’s okay. You’re still in shock over it all. But you really need to push your feelings aside and think about this from the logical, legal point of view. After you get the settlement worked out, then you can go back to feeling.”

“And you’re sure it’s not hateful to want more money? To expect him to give me the quality of life he promised to provide for me if we’d remained married for another twenty years?”

“Yes, I promise. He promised till death do us part, and since he’s broken that vow, he should provide for you at the least.”

“I don’t want to take all of his money though.”

“Trust me honey, he’s got plenty go to around. You don’t have to worry about him running out of money. Besides, if he simply put some effort into his work he’d move up the food chain faster than you can say so.”

“Yeah, I you’re right. I need to live and let go. If I don’t, then I’m going to end up at destitute drunkard. I’m going to get out of him every penny that I can, and I’m going to show Lizzy that she comes from a long line of strong women. No man is going to bring me down that easily!”

“You can say that again! Now, give me that bottle of wine you’ve been hiding… I think it’s safe to say you don’t need anything stronger than soda with a backbone as stout as yours.”

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